Call for Photographers

We’re looking for dedicated photographers and storytellers to be part of the GivePhotos team!

Our fundraising efforts go toward purchasing instant film and cameras for photographers around the world who would like to give photos to those who don’t have them. We’re looking for photographers who can capture that moment when someone sees their photo for the first time. We’d also like to learn something about the people you photograph. We recommend traveling with a companion who can use the instant camera while you take photos with your SLR or camera phone.
Please email us at with ‘Call for Photographers’ in the subject line.
We’d like to know:
1. Your photography experience (all levels of photographers welcome!)
2. What geographical location you would choose to give away photos and why
(please avoid uncontacted tribal areas)
3. Why you would like to be part of the GivePhotos team (300 words or less)
4. Some samples of your photography work (Instagram link preferred)
If chosen, we will send you an instant camera or instant printer, and instant print film. We will be posting selected shots from your project on our Instagram feed and other social media and feature your bio on our website.
We’re accepting submissions on a rolling basis. Please email us!